When you install Laravel Countries, the following database migrations will be executed to create the necessary table structure for storing countries, regions, geographical data, and translations.
Here is an overview of the migrations: Below is a breakdown of each column and its purpose:
Column Name | Description |
id | The primary key for the table. (integer, auto-increment) |
lc_region_id | The foreign key linking to the lc_regions table. (tinyInteger, unsigned) |
uid | A unique identifier for the country record. (ulid, unique) |
official_name | The official name of the country. (string) |
capital | The name of the country's capital. (string) |
iso_alpha_2 | The two-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. (string, length: 10) |
iso_alpha_3 | The three-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country code. (string, length: 10) |
iso_numeric | The ISO 3166-1 numeric country code. (smallInteger, nullable) |
international_phone | The international dialing code for the country. (string, nullable, length: 150) |
geoname_id | The ID linking to the GeoNames geographical database. (string, nullable, length: 10) |
wmo | Country abbreviations by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). (string, nullable) |
independence_day | The year the country gained independence. (year, nullable) |
population | The population of the country. (smallInteger, nullable) |
area | The total area of the country in square kilometers. (smallInteger, nullable) |
gdp | The gross domestic product (GDP) of the country in billions of USD. (string, nullable) |
languages | A list of languages spoken in the country in JSON format. (json, default: []) |
tld | The top-level domains (TLDs) associated with the country. (json, default: []) |
alternative_tld | Alternative top-level domains (TLDs) associated with the country. (json, default: []) |
borders | A list of countries that share a border with this country. (json, default: []) |
timezones | The timezones associated with the country. (json, default: {main: [], others: []}) |
currency | Detailed currency information including name, code, symbol, unit, banknotes, and coins. (json, default: {...}) |
flag_emoji | The emoji representation of the country's flag. (json, default: []) |
flag_colors | The colors that make up the country's flag. (json, default: []) |
flag_colors_web | The web-safe colors used for the country's flag. (json, default: []) |
flag_colors_contrast | Contrast colors to ensure text legibility on top of the flag's colors. (json, default: []) |
flag_colors_hex | The hexadecimal color codes of the flag. (json, default: []) |
flag_colors_rgb | The RGB values of the flag's colors. (json, default: []) |
flag_colors_cmyk | The CMYK values of the flag's colors. (json, default: []) |
flag_colors_hsl | The HSL values of the flag's colors. (json, default: []) |
flag_colors_hsv | The HSV values of the flag's colors. (json, default: []) |
flag_colors_pantone | The Pantone color codes of the flag. (json, default: []) |
visible | Indicates whether the country is visible in the system. (boolean, default: true) |
timestamps | Auto-generated timestamps for when the record is created or updated. (created_at, updated_at) |
unique | Ensures uniqueness based on the region and ISO Alpha-2 code. ((lc_region_id, iso_alpha_2)) |
foreign key | Links to the lc_regions table, with cascading deletes. ((lc_region_id)) |
Column Name | Description |
id | The primary key of the table, automatically incremented. (tinyIncrements) |
iso_alpha_2 | ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 code. (string, length: 10) |
icao | International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) region. (string, length: 10) |
iucn | International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) region. (string, length: 10) |
tdwg | World Geographical Scheme for Recording Plant Distributions code. (string, length: 10) |
is_visible | Visibility status, defaulting to true . (boolean, default: true) |
Column Name | Description |
id | The primary key of the table, automatically incremented. (increments) |
lc_country_id | The foreign key linking to the lc_countries table. (integer, unsigned) |
latitude | The latitude coordinate. (string, nullable) |
longitude | The longitude coordinate. (string, nullable) |
degrees_with_decimal | Coordinates in degrees with decimal format. (string, nullable) |
degrees_minutes_seconds | Coordinates in degrees, minutes, and seconds format. (string, nullable) |
degrees_and_decimal_minutes | Coordinates in degrees and decimal minutes format. (string, nullable) |
gps | GPS data in JSON format. (json, nullable) |
Column Name | Description |
id | The primary key of the table, automatically incremented. (increments) |
lc_country_id | The foreign key linking to the lc_countries table. (integer, unsigned) |
type | The type of the geographical data. (string) |
features_type | The feature type of the geographical data. (string) |
properties | Additional properties stored in JSON format. (json) |
geometry | Geometrical data stored in JSON format. (json) |
Column Name | Description |
id | Primary key: auto-incremented extra information ID. (increments) |
lc_country_id | Foreign key linking to the lc_countries table. (integer, unsigned) |
national_sport | The national sport of the country, if applicable. (string, nullable) |
cybersecurity_agency | Name of the country's national cybersecurity agency. (string, nullable) |
popular_technologies | A list of popular technologies used in the country (e.g., programming languages, platforms). (json, nullable) |
internet | Information about the country's internet infrastructure, including speed and penetration. (json, nullable) |
religions | A list of religions practiced in the country. (json, nullable) |
international_organizations | A list of international organizations the country is a member of (e.g., UN, WTO). (json, nullable) |