Pair List
This collection of methods always returns a Laravel collection with a list of items based on the method used. These methods are helpful to quickly retrieve specific fields from the country data.
ID and Official Name
Returns a list of countries with their IDs as keys and their official names as values. This cached list improves performance by reducing database queries.
Illuminate\Support\Collection {
items: array:245 [▼
248 => "Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan"
260 => "Åland Islands"
251 => "Republic of Albania"
305 => "People's Democratic Republic of Algeria"
256 => "American Samoa"
246 => "Principality of Andorra"
253 => "Republic of Angola"
250 => "Anguilla"
254 => "Antarctica"
ID and UID
Provides a list of countries where each ID is mapped to its unique identifier (UID). This helps in efficiently retrieving UIDs without frequent database access.
Illuminate\Support\Collection {
items: array:245 [▼
260 => "01J9VCYEYFYD063XMYZR653QEB"
251 => "01J9VCYET590JW3HK27CHBXYPH"
256 => "01J9VCYEX2RXVM2XNS61VZ11KR"
246 => "01J9VCYERPV0Q73J9MA9TBEKJ6"
253 => "01J9VCYETMYK5GYHBD84539V1W"
250 => "01J9VCYESY8K411YFR48P7JPP1"
254 => "01J9VCYEV40SY7GX48CKEK4N05"
ID and Name
Offers a list of countries with IDs associated with their translated names. Useful for quickly fetching country names based on their IDs.
Illuminate\Support\Collection {
items: array:245 [▼
248 => "Afghanistan"
260 => "Åland Islands"
251 => "Albania"
305 => "Algeria"
256 => "American Samoa"
246 => "Andorra"
253 => "Angola"
250 => "Anguilla"
254 => "Antarctica"
ID and Alpha-2 Code
Generates a list mapping country IDs to their ISO Alpha-2 codes. This aids in converting IDs to standard two-letter country codes efficiently.
Illuminate\Support\Collection {
items: array:245 [▼
248 => "AF"
260 => "AX"
251 => "AL"
305 => "DZ"
256 => "AS"
246 => "AD"
253 => "AO"
250 => "AI"
254 => "AQ"
ID and Alpha-3 Code
Provides a list of countries with IDs linked to their ISO Alpha-3 codes. Ideal for applications needing quick access to three-letter country codes from IDs.
Illuminate\Support\Collection {
items: array:245 [▼
248 => "AFG"
260 => "ALA"
251 => "ALB"
305 => "DZA"
256 => "ASM"
246 => "AND"
253 => "AGO"
250 => "AIA"
254 => "ATA"
UID and Name
Offers a list mapping unique identifiers (UIDs) to country names. This cached list facilitates efficient retrieval of country names based on UIDs.
Illuminate\Support\Collection {
items: array:245 [▼
"01J9VCYESCNW4EWFYB9ENTNCN2" => "Afghanistan"
"01J9VCYEYFYD063XMYZR653QEB" => "Åland Islands"
"01J9VCYET590JW3HK27CHBXYPH" => "Albania"
"01J9VCYEX2RXVM2XNS61VZ11KR" => "American Samoa"
"01J9VCYERPV0Q73J9MA9TBEKJ6" => "Andorra"
"01J9VCYETMYK5GYHBD84539V1W" => "Angola"
"01J9VCYESY8K411YFR48P7JPP1" => "Anguilla"
"01J9VCYEV40SY7GX48CKEK4N05" => "Antarctica"
UID and Official Name
Provides a list of countries where each UID is linked to its official name. Reduces database queries by caching the data for improved performance.
Illuminate\Support\Collection {
items: array:245 [▼
"01J9VCYESCNW4EWFYB9ENTNCN2" => "Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan"
"01J9VCYEYFYD063XMYZR653QEB" => "Åland Islands"
"01J9VCYET590JW3HK27CHBXYPH" => "Republic of Albania"
"01J9VCYFDSTZ8F5VSDB2XFHGQJ" => "People's Democratic Republic of Algeria"
"01J9VCYEX2RXVM2XNS61VZ11KR" => "American Samoa"
"01J9VCYERPV0Q73J9MA9TBEKJ6" => "Principality of Andorra"
"01J9VCYETMYK5GYHBD84539V1W" => "Republic of Angola"
"01J9VCYESY8K411YFR48P7JPP1" => "Anguilla"
"01J9VCYEV40SY7GX48CKEK4N05" => "Antarctica"
UID and Alpha-2 Code
Generates a list associating UIDs with ISO Alpha-2 codes. Helps in converting unique identifiers to two-letter country codes efficiently.
Illuminate\Support\Collection {
items: array:245 [▼
"01J9VCYETMYK5GYHBD84539V1W" => "AO"
"01J9VCYESY8K411YFR48P7JPP1" => "AI"
"01J9VCYEV40SY7GX48CKEK4N05" => "AQ"
UID and Alpha-3 Code
Returns a list mapping UIDs to ISO Alpha-3 codes. Useful for applications requiring three-letter country codes based on unique identifiers.
Illuminate\Support\Collection {
items: array:245 [▼
"01J9VCYESY8K411YFR48P7JPP1" => "AIA"
"01J9VCYEV40SY7GX48CKEK4N05" => "ATA"
Name and Official Name
Provides a list where country names are mapped to their official names. Useful for displaying formal country names when only common names are available.
Illuminate\Support\Collection {
items: array:245 [▼
"Afghanistan" => "Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan"
"Åland Islands" => "Åland Islands"
"Albania" => "Republic of Albania"
"Algeria" => "People's Democratic Republic of Algeria"
"American Samoa" => "American Samoa"
"Andorra" => "Principality of Andorra"
"Angola" => "Republic of Angola"
"Anguilla" => "Anguilla"
"Antarctica" => "Antarctica"
Name and Alpha-2 Code
Generates a list associating country names with their ISO Alpha-2 codes. Aids in efficiently converting country names to two-letter codes.
Illuminate\Support\Collection {
items: array:245 [▼
"Afghanistan" => "AF"
"Åland Islands" => "AX"
"Albania" => "AL"
"Algeria" => "DZ"
"American Samoa" => "AS"
"Andorra" => "AD"
"Angola" => "AO"
"Anguilla" => "AI"
"Antarctica" => "AQ"
Name and Alpha-3 Code
Returns a list mapping country names to ISO Alpha-3 codes. Ideal for applications needing three-letter country codes from country names.
Illuminate\Support\Collection {
items: array:245 [▼
"Afghanistan" => "AFG"
"Åland Islands" => "ALA"
"Albania" => "ALB"
"Algeria" => "DZA"
"American Samoa" => "ASM"
"Andorra" => "AND"
"Angola" => "AGO"
"Anguilla" => "AIA"
"Antarctica" => "ATA"
Official Name and Alpha-2 Code
Provides a list mapping official country names to ISO Alpha-2 codes. Helps in converting official names to standard two-letter country codes.
Illuminate\Support\Collection {
items: array:245 [▼
"Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan" => "AF"
"Åland Islands" => "AX"
"Republic of Albania" => "AL"
"People's Democratic Republic of Algeria" => "DZ"
"American Samoa" => "AS"
"Principality of Andorra" => "AD"
"Republic of Angola" => "AO"
"Anguilla" => "AI"
"Antarctica" => "AQ"
Official Name and Alpha-3 Code
Generates a list associating official country names with ISO Alpha-3 codes. Useful for retrieving three-letter codes from official names.
Illuminate\Support\Collection {
items: array:245 [▼
"Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan" => "AFG"
"Åland Islands" => "ALA"
"Republic of Albania" => "ALB"
"People's Democratic Republic of Algeria" => "DZA"
"American Samoa" => "ASM"
"Principality of Andorra" => "AND"
"Republic of Angola" => "AGO"
"Anguilla" => "AIA"
"Antarctica" => "ATA"
Alpha-2 and ID
Offers a list mapping ISO Alpha-2 codes to id.
Illuminate\Support\Collection {
items: array:245 [▼
"AF" => 248
"AX" => 260
"AL" => 251
"DZ" => 305
"AS" => 256
"AD" => 246
"AO" => 253
"AI" => 250
"AQ" => 254
Alpha-2 and UID
Offers a list mapping ISO Alpha-2 codes to uid.
Illuminate\Support\Collection {
items: array:245 [▼
"AO" => "01J9VCYETMYK5GYHBD84539V1W"
"AI" => "01J9VCYESY8K411YFR48P7JPP1"
"AQ" => "01J9VCYEV40SY7GX48CKEK4N05"
Alpha-2 and Name
Offers a list mapping ISO Alpha-2 codes to Names.
Illuminate\Support\Collection {
items: array:245 [▼
"AF" => "Afghanistan"
"AX" => "Åland Islands"
"AL" => "Albania"
"DZ" => "Algeria"
"AS" => "American Samoa"
"AD" => "Andorra"
"AO" => "Angola"
"AI" => "Anguilla"
"AQ" => "Antarctica"
Alpha-2 and Official Name
Offers a list mapping ISO Alpha-2 codes to Official Name.
Illuminate\Support\Collection {
items: array:245 [▼
"AF" => "Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan"
"AX" => "Åland Islands"
"AL" => "Republic of Albania"
"DZ" => "People's Democratic Republic of Algeria"
"AS" => "American Samoa"
"AD" => "Principality of Andorra"
"AO" => "Republic of Angola"
"AI" => "Anguilla"
"AQ" => "Antarctica"
Alpha-2 and Alpha-3 Codes
Offers a list mapping ISO Alpha-2 codes to ISO Alpha-3 codes. Useful for converting between two-letter and three-letter country codes.
Illuminate\Support\Collection {
items: array:245 [▼
"AF" => "AFG"
"AX" => "ALA"
"AL" => "ALB"
"DZ" => "DZA"
"AS" => "ASM"
"AD" => "AND"
"AO" => "AGO"
"AI" => "AIA"
"AQ" => "ATA"
Alpha-3 and ID
Offers a list mapping ISO Alpha-3 codes to id.
Illuminate\Support\Collection {
items: array:245 [▼
"AFG" => 248
"ALA" => 260
"ALB" => 251
"DZA" => 305
"ASM" => 256
"AND" => 246
"AGO" => 253
"AIA" => 250
"ATA" => 254
Alpha-3 and UID
Offers a list mapping ISO Alpha-3 codes to uid.
Illuminate\Support\Collection {
items: array:245 [▼
"AIA" => "01J9VCYESY8K411YFR48P7JPP1"
"ATA" => "01J9VCYEV40SY7GX48CKEK4N05"
Alpha-3 and Name
Offers a list mapping ISO Alpha-3 codes to Names.
Illuminate\Support\Collection {
items: array:245 [▼
"AFG" => "Afghanistan"
"ALA" => "Åland Islands"
"ALB" => "Albania"
"DZA" => "Algeria"
"ASM" => "American Samoa"
"AND" => "Andorra"
"AGO" => "Angola"
"AIA" => "Anguilla"
"ATA" => "Antarctica"
Alpha-3 and Official Name
Offers a list mapping ISO Alpha-3 codes to Official Name.
Illuminate\Support\Collection {
items: array:245 [▼
"AFG" => "Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan"
"ALA" => "Åland Islands"
"ALB" => "Republic of Albania"
"DZA" => "People's Democratic Republic of Algeria"
"ASM" => "American Samoa"
"AND" => "Principality of Andorra"
"AGO" => "Republic of Angola"
"AIA" => "Anguilla"
"ATA" => "Antarctica"
The flags method returns a Facade called FlagEmoji
, which can be used to work with the collection of flag emojis.
Read more about FlagEmoji
ID and Emoji
Returns a list of countries with IDs associated with their flag emojis. Enables easy retrieval of country flags using country IDs.
Lwwcas\LaravelCountries\Facades\FlagEmoji ▼
flag_emoji: null
on_data: array:9 [▼
248 => Lwwcas\LaravelCountries\Facades\FlagEmoji {▼
flag_emoji: array:9 [▼
"css" => "\1F1E6\1F1EB"
"hex" => "🇦🇫"
"img" => "🇦🇫"
"html" => "🇦🇫"
"utf8" => "🇦🇫"
"uCode" => "U+1F1E6 U+1F1EB"
"utf16" => "\uD83C\uDDE6\uD83C\uDDEB"
"decimal" => "🇦🇫"
"shortcode" => ":flag-af:"
on_data: null
key: null
attributes: array:9 [▶]
260 => Lwwcas\LaravelCountries\Facades\FlagEmoji {▼
flag_emoji: array:9 [▼
"css" => "\1F1E6\1F1FD"
"hex" => "🇦🇽"
"img" => "🇦🇽"
"html" => "🇦🇽"
"utf8" => "🇦🇽"
"uCode" => "U+1F1E6 U+1F1FD"
"utf16" => "\uD83C\uDDE6\uD83C\uDDFD"
"decimal" => "🇦🇽"
"shortcode" => ":flag-ax:"
on_data: null
key: null
attributes: array:9 [▶]
251 => Lwwcas\LaravelCountries\Facades\FlagEmoji { ▶}
305 => Lwwcas\LaravelCountries\Facades\FlagEmoji { ▶}
256 => Lwwcas\LaravelCountries\Facades\FlagEmoji { ▶}
246 => Lwwcas\LaravelCountries\Facades\FlagEmoji { ▶}
253 => Lwwcas\LaravelCountries\Facades\FlagEmoji { ▶}
250 => Lwwcas\LaravelCountries\Facades\FlagEmoji { ▶}
254 => Lwwcas\LaravelCountries\Facades\FlagEmoji { ▶}
key: null
attributes: Illuminate\Support\Collection { ▶}
UID and Emoji
Offers a list of countries with UIDs connected to their flag emojis. Allows quick retrieval of country flags using UIDs.
Lwwcas\LaravelCountries\Facades\FlagEmoji ▼
flag_emoji: null
on_data: array:9 [▼
"01J9VCYESCNW4EWFYB9ENTNCN2" => Lwwcas\LaravelCountries\Facades\FlagEmoji {▼
flag_emoji: array:9 [▼
"css" => "\1F1E6\1F1EB"
"hex" => "🇦🇫"
"img" => "🇦🇫"
"html" => "🇦🇫"
"utf8" => "🇦🇫"
"uCode" => "U+1F1E6 U+1F1EB"
"utf16" => "\uD83C\uDDE6\uD83C\uDDEB"
"decimal" => "🇦🇫"
"shortcode" => ":flag-af:"
on_data: null
key: null
attributes: array:9 [▶]
"01J9VCYEYFYD063XMYZR653QEB" => Lwwcas\LaravelCountries\Facades\FlagEmoji {▼
flag_emoji: array:9 [▼
"css" => "\1F1E6\1F1FD"
"hex" => "🇦🇽"
"img" => "🇦🇽"
"html" => "🇦🇽"
"utf8" => "🇦🇽"
"uCode" => "U+1F1E6 U+1F1FD"
"utf16" => "\uD83C\uDDE6\uD83C\uDDFD"
"decimal" => "🇦🇽"
"shortcode" => ":flag-ax:"
on_data: null
key: null
attributes: array:9 [▶]
"01J9VCYET590JW3HK27CHBXYPH" => Lwwcas\LaravelCountries\Facades\FlagEmoji { ▶ }
"01J9VCYFDSTZ8F5VSDB2XFHGQJ" => Lwwcas\LaravelCountries\Facades\FlagEmoji { ▶ }
"01J9VCYEX2RXVM2XNS61VZ11KR" => Lwwcas\LaravelCountries\Facades\FlagEmoji { ▶ }
"01J9VCYERPV0Q73J9MA9TBEKJ6" => Lwwcas\LaravelCountries\Facades\FlagEmoji { ▶ }
"01J9VCYETMYK5GYHBD84539V1W" => Lwwcas\LaravelCountries\Facades\FlagEmoji { ▶ }
"01J9VCYESY8K411YFR48P7JPP1" => Lwwcas\LaravelCountries\Facades\FlagEmoji { ▶ }
"01J9VCYEV40SY7GX48CKEK4N05" => Lwwcas\LaravelCountries\Facades\FlagEmoji { ▶ }
key: null
attributes: Illuminate\Support\Collection { ▶}
Name and Emoji
Offers a list of countries where names are linked to their flag emojis. Enables displaying country flags when only the country names are known.
Lwwcas\LaravelCountries\Facades\FlagEmoji ▼
flag_emoji: null
on_data: array:9 [▼
"Afghanistan" => Lwwcas\LaravelCountries\Facades\FlagEmoji {▼
flag_emoji: array:9 [▼
"css" => "\1F1E6\1F1EB"
"hex" => "🇦🇫"
"img" => "🇦🇫"
"html" => "🇦🇫"
"utf8" => "🇦🇫"
"uCode" => "U+1F1E6 U+1F1EB"
"utf16" => "\uD83C\uDDE6\uD83C\uDDEB"
"decimal" => "🇦🇫"
"shortcode" => ":flag-af:"
on_data: null
key: null
attributes: array:9 [▶]
"Åland Islands" => Lwwcas\LaravelCountries\Facades\FlagEmoji {▼
flag_emoji: array:9 [▼
"css" => "\1F1E6\1F1FD"
"hex" => "🇦🇽"
"img" => "🇦🇽"
"html" => "🇦🇽"
"utf8" => "🇦🇽"
"uCode" => "U+1F1E6 U+1F1FD"
"utf16" => "\uD83C\uDDE6\uD83C\uDDFD"
"decimal" => "🇦🇽"
"shortcode" => ":flag-ax:"
on_data: null
key: null
attributes: array:9 [▶]
"Albania" => Lwwcas\LaravelCountries\Facades\FlagEmoji { ▶},
"Algeria" => Lwwcas\LaravelCountries\Facades\FlagEmoji { ▶},
"American Samoa" => Lwwcas\LaravelCountries\Facades\FlagEmoji { ▶},
"Andorra" => Lwwcas\LaravelCountries\Facades\FlagEmoji { ▶},
"Angola" => Lwwcas\LaravelCountries\Facades\FlagEmoji { ▶},
"Anguilla" => Lwwcas\LaravelCountries\Facades\FlagEmoji { ▶},
"Antarctica" => Lwwcas\LaravelCountries\Facades\FlagEmoji { ▶},
key: null
attributes: Illuminate\Support\Collection { ▶}
Official Name and Emoji
Returns a list linking official country names to their flag emojis. Allows displaying country flags using official country names.
Lwwcas\LaravelCountries\Facades\FlagEmoji ▼
flag_emoji: null
on_data: array:9 [▼
"Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan" => Lwwcas\LaravelCountries\Facades\FlagEmoji {▼
flag_emoji: array:9 [▼
"css" => "\1F1E6\1F1EB"
"hex" => "🇦🇫"
"img" => "🇦🇫"
"html" => "🇦🇫"
"utf8" => "🇦🇫"
"uCode" => "U+1F1E6 U+1F1EB"
"utf16" => "\uD83C\uDDE6\uD83C\uDDEB"
"decimal" => "🇦🇫"
"shortcode" => ":flag-af:"
on_data: null
key: null
attributes: array:9 [▶]
"Åland Islands" => Lwwcas\LaravelCountries\Facades\FlagEmoji {▼
flag_emoji: array:9 [▼
"css" => "\1F1E6\1F1FD"
"hex" => "🇦🇽"
"img" => "🇦🇽"
"html" => "🇦🇽"
"utf8" => "🇦🇽"
"uCode" => "U+1F1E6 U+1F1FD"
"utf16" => "\uD83C\uDDE6\uD83C\uDDFD"
"decimal" => "🇦🇽"
"shortcode" => ":flag-ax:"
on_data: null
key: null
attributes: array:9 [▶]
"Republic of Albania" => Lwwcas\LaravelCountries\Facades\FlagEmoji { ▶},
"People's Democratic Republic of Algeria" => Lwwcas\LaravelCountries\Facades\FlagEmoji { ▶},
"American Samoa" => Lwwcas\LaravelCountries\Facades\FlagEmoji { ▶},
"Principality of Andorra" => Lwwcas\LaravelCountries\Facades\FlagEmoji { ▶},
"Republic of Angola" => Lwwcas\LaravelCountries\Facades\FlagEmoji { ▶},
"Anguilla" => Lwwcas\LaravelCountries\Facades\FlagEmoji { ▶},
"Antarctica" => Lwwcas\LaravelCountries\Facades\FlagEmoji { ▶},
key: null
attributes: Illuminate\Support\Collection { ▶}
Alpha-2 Code and Emoji
Provides a list associating ISO Alpha-2 codes with their corresponding flag emojis. Aids in displaying country flags using two-letter country codes.
Lwwcas\LaravelCountries\Facades\FlagEmoji ▼
flag_emoji: null
on_data: array:9 [▼
"AF" => Lwwcas\LaravelCountries\Facades\FlagEmoji {▼
flag_emoji: array:9 [▼
"css" => "\1F1E6\1F1EB"
"hex" => "🇦🇫"
"img" => "🇦🇫"
"html" => "🇦🇫"
"utf8" => "🇦🇫"
"uCode" => "U+1F1E6 U+1F1EB"
"utf16" => "\uD83C\uDDE6\uD83C\uDDEB"
"decimal" => "🇦🇫"
"shortcode" => ":flag-af:"
on_data: null
key: null
attributes: array:9 [▶]
"AX" => Lwwcas\LaravelCountries\Facades\FlagEmoji {▼
flag_emoji: array:9 [▼
"css" => "\1F1E6\1F1FD"
"hex" => "🇦🇽"
"img" => "🇦🇽"
"html" => "🇦🇽"
"utf8" => "🇦🇽"
"uCode" => "U+1F1E6 U+1F1FD"
"utf16" => "\uD83C\uDDE6\uD83C\uDDFD"
"decimal" => "🇦🇽"
"shortcode" => ":flag-ax:"
on_data: null
key: null
attributes: array:9 [▶]
"AL" => Lwwcas\LaravelCountries\Facades\FlagEmoji { ▶},
"DZ" => Lwwcas\LaravelCountries\Facades\FlagEmoji { ▶},
"AS" => Lwwcas\LaravelCountries\Facades\FlagEmoji { ▶},
"AD" => Lwwcas\LaravelCountries\Facades\FlagEmoji { ▶},
"AO" => Lwwcas\LaravelCountries\Facades\FlagEmoji { ▶},
"AI" => Lwwcas\LaravelCountries\Facades\FlagEmoji { ▶},
"AQ" => Lwwcas\LaravelCountries\Facades\FlagEmoji { ▶},
key: null
attributes: Illuminate\Support\Collection { ▶}
Alpha-3 Code and Emoji
Generates a list mapping ISO Alpha-3 codes to their flag emojis. Useful for displaying country flags when only three-letter codes are available.
Lwwcas\LaravelCountries\Facades\FlagEmoji ▼
flag_emoji: null
on_data: array:9 [▼
"AFG" => Lwwcas\LaravelCountries\Facades\FlagEmoji {▼
flag_emoji: array:9 [▼
"css" => "\1F1E6\1F1EB"
"hex" => "🇦🇫"
"img" => "🇦🇫"
"html" => "🇦🇫"
"utf8" => "🇦🇫"
"uCode" => "U+1F1E6 U+1F1EB"
"utf16" => "\uD83C\uDDE6\uD83C\uDDEB"
"decimal" => "🇦🇫"
"shortcode" => ":flag-af:"
on_data: null
key: null
attributes: array:9 [▶]
"ALA" => Lwwcas\LaravelCountries\Facades\FlagEmoji {▼
flag_emoji: array:9 [▼
"css" => "\1F1E6\1F1FD"
"hex" => "🇦🇽"
"img" => "🇦🇽"
"html" => "🇦🇽"
"utf8" => "🇦🇽"
"uCode" => "U+1F1E6 U+1F1FD"
"utf16" => "\uD83C\uDDE6\uD83C\uDDFD"
"decimal" => "🇦🇽"
"shortcode" => ":flag-ax:"
on_data: null
key: null
attributes: array:9 [▶]
"ALB" => Lwwcas\LaravelCountries\Facades\FlagEmoji { ▶},
"DZA" => Lwwcas\LaravelCountries\Facades\FlagEmoji { ▶},
"ASM" => Lwwcas\LaravelCountries\Facades\FlagEmoji { ▶},
"AND" => Lwwcas\LaravelCountries\Facades\FlagEmoji { ▶},
"AGO" => Lwwcas\LaravelCountries\Facades\FlagEmoji { ▶},
"AIA" => Lwwcas\LaravelCountries\Facades\FlagEmoji { ▶},
"ATA" => Lwwcas\LaravelCountries\Facades\FlagEmoji { ▶},
key: null
attributes: Illuminate\Support\Collection { ▶}